Steve Jobs once said that, “Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.” Today’s thriving companies are taking this to heart and building an employee experience that creates a competitive advantage for attracting and retaining top talent. On Thursday, March 9th at Grovo, we host a event focused on transforming employee experience. We hosted a fireside chat with Bree Groff, CEO at NOBL who shared some of the key findings from NOBL’s annual “Future of Work Report,” which focuses on trends employers can expect to see in 2017. Our panelists for this event included Joris Luijke, VP, People at Grovo, Lindsay Grenawalt, Head of People Operations at Cockroach Labs, Shannon Fitzgerald, Director of HR at The Muse, Peter Phelan, Founder & CEO at ValuesCulture, and Brie Forhecz, HR Service Manager at Sequoia. Click here to check out MoodApp, which Joris mentioned during the panel discussion as a tool that helps get instant feedback from their employees. To sign up for notifications for future events, please sign up using the form here.